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Go Organic for Your Health and Great Taste!

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Consumers are increasingly mindful of what they eat, often for health reasons. When it comes to health, organic food often springs to mind. And rightfully so!

Various studies show that people who eat organic food are less exposed to pesticide residues and metals than those who eat conventional foods. Also, researchers at Newcastle University, England, have found significantly higher levels of antioxidants in organic than in non-organic foods. Choosing organic fruits and vegetables is like adding one or two portions of the recommended five a day. That’s quite a lot!

Why eat organic?

Apart from the studies, there are all sorts of practical reasons for going organic:

  • The simplest—to delight your taste buds! The quality and freshness of organic fruits and vegetables, preferably local, is hard to beat. You may also be pleasantly surprised by their texture and distinct local flavour.

  • To contribute to the local economy. In Quebec, every dollar spent on organic produce is an investment in our economy and rural communities, and provides a livelihood for local farmers committed to safe production methods. And the numbers are growing: in 2013 there were 1,316 certified organic businesses, compared to 945 just 10 years ago.

  • To make a positive social impact. Organic production is based on widely shared values, including environmental protection. According to the Rodale Institute, organic farming uses 45% less fossil energy than conventional farming, and therefore contributes substantially to the fight against climate change.

  • Because it’s an environmental choice. Organic farming preserves soil fertility and biodiversity, while controlling erosion. In contrast, chemical fertilizers can pollute groundwater and pesticides harm predators and pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, which are essential to plant reproduction.

  • Because organic food is regulated! Not everything can be called organic, unlike so-called natural products. Regulations in Quebec are more strict than in the U.S and the rest of Canada and are established by an independent regulating authority, the Conseil des appellations réservées et des termes valorisants du Québec (CARTV) [reserved designations and added-value terms board], which ensures the integrity of the organic label. You can therefore be confident that organic certification means something, and enjoy peace of mind as you eat vegetables, fruit and meat!

  • For the health of your family and the producers themselves. Organic farming helps protect our health and that of farm workers, too. An association has been demonstrated between pesticide and herbicide exposure and an increased risk of cancer. So, our health starts with the health of those who feed us.

Beware of pesticides! 

In the word “pesticide,” you have “pest,” (nuisance) and “cide” (kill). There’s a reason why. Pesticides are chemicals used to kill weeds or insect pests. But what can harm a plant or caterpillar can harm another insect, bird or small mammal. With regard to the effects on human health, the scientific literature points to various adverse effects on the brain, nervous system and reproductive system. That’s why synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, along with genetically modified seeds, are banned in organic farming.

There is also a growing awareness of the harmful effects of pesticides, especially neonicotinoids, which are considered responsible for the decline of bee colonies. The Ontario government has already taken action by adopting a regulation to reduce the use of neonics by 80% by 2017. Some companies have even followed suit! RONA is setting an example by encouraging its plant suppliers to reduce their use. Quebec still has a long way to go—ask your elected officials to ban neonics!

Organic baskets are the perfect solution

If you’re looking for a simple and effective way to eat organic, look no further—try an organic basket (

  • Your family farmer will deliver weekly or fortnightly seasonal fruits and vegetables, which are picked daily.
  • You can trade items in the basket or pick up your vegetables from a market-type stall.
  • If you go on vacation, you can suspend delivery while you’re away.
  • You can also order certified organic meat.
  • Some farms offer special products (eggs, herbs, honey and other products).
  • Don’t be surprised if your farmer gives you tasty recipe ideas or tips on freezing fruits, vegetables and prepared meals for the winter! No one knows better.
  • If you like the scheme, you can also order a winter basket, offered by some farms in the network.

To sign up, go to and choose, from over 500 drop-off points in Quebec, the one nearest to your home or work place. Do it soon! Places are limited.

A few ideas for adopting an organic lifestyle

Happy organic eating!