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"No to tar sands" petition: Server overload

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Actu - "No to tar sands" petition: Server overload (credit: Radio Canada)

Last week, so many of you accepted the challenge to sign our "No to tar sands" petition that our server conked out. In spite of the technical problems, we were able to collect 10,000 new signatures in a matter of days. Incredible! Thank you for responding en masse to our call. You are sending a clear signal to our leaders that Energy East will not go through!

Did you know that Energy East would lead to a 40% increase in production in the tar sands? Or that on its own, the project would lead to an additional 30 to 32 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions a year (the equivalent of adding 7 million extra cars to our roads)? Recently, deputies in the National Assembly rallied to unanimously demand that the environmental assessment of this project be expanded to include its impact on climate change and greenhouse gases.

Concern is growing.

Already, more than 60,300 people have signed the petition. 

The petition is up and running again. If you haven't already, sign it now

You have signed? Share it with your friends and family.

Help us reach 150,000 signatures!

Please note that although the petition is available in English, most people have signed the French version. As a result, if you want to track the petition's amazing progress along with us, it's best to check the French version, where you can get a more accurate picture of how many people have already signed.