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Our team has worked hard over the last few months to create a unique and exciting program for the first Change the World with Équiterre run! We’re very proud to have recently been awarded the ‘fair-trade event’ designation—a nod to Fair Trade Month that is currently underway. Sign up to participate in this unique sustainable event soon—places are limited!
We’re so grateful for your commitment to the environment that we’ll be giving out little gifts at the finishing line. All participants will receive:
- A packet of local organic herb seeds from the Tournesol Co-operative Farm
- A mini bar of local natural soap for the shower from Savonnerie des Diligences
Energy snacks will also be available after the sports challenge, including:
- Équifruit fair-trade organic bananas
- Crudessence choco-coconut macaroons
- Fourmi Bionique granola bars
- Clef des Champs refreshing natural organic drinks
Don’t miss the chance to win one of these eco-friendly participation prizes drawn on the day:
- Nordic spa experience at Le Baluchon Eco Resort
- Crudessence recipe book and gift certificate
- Running assessment with a physiotherapist
- Clef des Champs eco-friendly athlete kit
- Zero waste body care kit for athletes
- And much more!
Montreal folk-jazz duo Elephant Shoe will liven up the morning with musical numbers and adults and youngsters alike will love the entertainment provided by Clowns Sans Frontières. Other not-to-miss activities:
Used sports gear and clothing drive organized by the Renaissance organization. Give a second life to things you no longer need that are still in good condition by donating them to the drive at the run venue. There’ll be surprises for donors!
Bike smoothie! Pedal away while sipping a delicious fruit smoothie made with a 100% eco-friendly renewable energy source!
- Les Amis de la Montagne: conservation awareness and the history of Mount Royal
- Savonnerie des Diligences: zero-waste soap and body products
- Équiterre family farmer network: local organic strawberries for sale and a presentation on organic baskets
- Physéquilibre: running tips, treatments for minor injuries and sports massages
- Quebec Association of Fair Trade: fair-trade awareness and promotion
We hope to see many of you there demonstrating your commitment to the environment.
Sign up now and raise money for the environment!
Click here for more information on the run.