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Planned gifts

A concrete gesture in support of the planet and future generations.

 I firmly believe that Équiterre's work is an essential element in protecting the environment. Since I own shares that have significantly appreciated in value, it was very tax-efficient for me to donate them. I also plan to include Équiterre in my will. 

Marc Thibault

Proud donor since 2007

Why give to Équiterre?

Your gifts enable us to greatly increase our capacity to be proactive in our fields of expertise, such as agriculture and food, sustainable mobility, consumption and energy, at all levels:

  • Our initiatives empower people to make sustainable lifestyle choices and socially responsible choices that benefit the planet;

  • Our work with government and industry is making these new lifestyles more accessible and enjoyable;

  • Our public activities help raise awareness and stimulate social debate.

By adding your commitment to ours today, we can continue to make a difference.

Benefits of planned giving

Environmental action is the antidote to ecoanxiety.

Planning to donate to Équiterre means:

  • Expanding your commitment to environmental causes;
  • Establishing your legacy;
  • Enjoying tax and estate-planning benefits.

You will receive an official receipt entitling you to a tax credit of up to 50 per cent of your donation.

Through your philanthropic support of Équiterre, you will also become a part of the Heritage Collective.

What are some of the ways to donate?

As part of your planning process, there are numerous strategies open to you:

Gifts by bequest

Your current financial situation doesn't allow you to make a major gift right now?
Then a deferred gift, such as a bequest, may be the ideal strategy for you and your heirs.

Flexible and easy to set up, a bequest is a provision in your will that specifies who should receive all or part of your estate after your death.

Bequests can take several forms:
- a particular legacy (a specific amount or a specified asset);
- a universal legacy (the entire estate after payment of debts and taxes);
- a universal residual legacy, either all or a percentage (after payment of debts, taxes and particular legacies).

Gift of a life insurance policy

Would you like to make a major donation that includes the guarantee of a gift from Day One?

Donating a life insurance policy is one excellent option to consider.
This type of gift can take various forms and allows you to make a significant donation that does not deprive your heirs.

There are a number of possible strategies involving life insurance policies. For example, you can:
- designate Équiterre as the beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy;
- donate an existing policy to Équiterre, which then becomes its owner and beneficiary;
- purchase a new life insurance policy, naming Équiterre as the owner and beneficiary.

Donation of listed shares (securities)

A gift of publicly traded securities is one interesting way to give even more without having it cost you more.

Commonly accepted marketable securities are publicly listed securities, that is, shares in public corporations, bonds issued by public corporations or government authorities, and mutual funds.

This strategy offers the advantage of eliminating a portion of the capital gains taxes resulting from the allocation of these securities directly to a charitable organization.

How do I do that?
1. Ask your broker to transfer your publicly listed securities.
2. Complete our online transfer form.
3. Contact us to let us know.

Gifts of real estate and in-kind donations

A concrete gesture in support of the environment can also be a material gift. The object of the donation must be tangible property, not a service.

A donation of real estate can also be an apartment, a house, or even land (but not land classified as ecologically sensitive or heritage property).

And if you're feeling inspired, works of art, collections and other certified/valued cultural property can also be a possible strategy.

Ready to make a planned gift?

Please complete the form below

  • pdf  - 0.09 mb Deferred gift intention form (Bequest, life insurance policy)

    See document
  • pdf  - 0.1 mb Publicly traded securities form

    See document

Would you like to know more about us?

Get in touch with Hélène today to learn more about the impact of your planned gift to Équiterre and the benefits of joining one of our member communities.

Assistant Director of Philanthropic Development +1 438 521 9916
See profile

Want more information?



How your donations are used

Équiterre is committed to making effective use of each donation in order to maximize your support for a healthier planet.

  • To find out more about our actions, see our annual report.

    See document
Source: annual report 2023