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5 things to know to add a powerful action for the planet in your will

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By making a bequest to Équiterre, you can continue to have a significant impact and to contribute to a better future, even after you’re gone. It's a way of carrying on your values and your legacy to help future generations.

Your will is much more than a legal document. Here we’ll explain how you can turn it into a powerful tool for the planet.

1. Supporting your loved ones and the environment, without compromise

Many people think that a gift in their will can deprive their loved ones of their inheritance. In fact, there are ways of balancing out what you give to your loved ones and what you give to the causes that are particularly important to you.

Your estate will inevitably be subject to tax. By making a gift of part of your estate, you can reduce, and in some cases even eliminate, the tax payable on your estate, while still protecting your family’s interests. You’ll see when you do the math.

Taking the time to plan a gift through your will can also make you and your loved ones feel good. They will be able to see the impact of your generosity on our society and on the planet. We encourage you to talk about your intention to make a planned gift to Équiterre with your family and friends. It’s an opportunity to involve those around you in your decision and a way to invite your family to join you in this act of generosity in support of the environment.

2. Making a gift in your will, regardless of the size of your estate

Did you know that most gifts made through a will come from people with modest incomes? It doesn’t matter how large or small your estate is, you can still be part of the movement.

However large or small your contribution, it can have a huge impact. If just 3.5% of Canadians choose to make a donation in their wills, it could generate $40 billion!

3. It’s simple, and help is available!

Making a gift through your will simply requires adding a clause to your existing will. If you already have a will, you can change it at any time.

Get help from a professional who is familiar with your personal and family situation, such as a financial advisor, a notary or an accountant. Équiterre could also give you a referral, if you like.

4. A lasting impact, now and for the future

You can take your commitment to the environment even further by combining current donations with planned gifts. Find out about the different ways you can give, now and in the future, through our planned gifts program, such as the donation of listed stocks.

When you make a planned gift, you become a member of the Legacy Community, a way of recognizing your contribution. Discover all the benefits of becoming part of the Community.

Planned giving allows Équiterre to plan its resources and develop projects in a sustainable manner, and it’s a way of ensuring that your commitment to the environment will continue over time.

5. There’s no need to wait

Anyone can make a planned donation, regardless of age. You take action today to plan a gift in your will so that your values and the protection of the environment will continue to be supported in the future.

Life is full of uncertainties, but it’s never too early to start building a legacy that reflects your most heartfelt convictions. You have the power to turn your intentions into a lasting impact, and it can start today.

Discover all the benefits of planned giving

Learn more

This content has been produced in partnership with the Will Power Campaign.