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For nearly 30 years, Équiterre has been proposing ideas and initiating campaigns and projects that have affected and inspired millions of people.
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We’re working to get people together - as many people as possible who are ready to work with us to build a more sustainable world. Our supporters are a guiding force for Équiterre.
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To discover the most recent news, projects and campaigns, and to exchange with a community of over 150,000 people with similar values and concerns.
Vous souhaitez aller plus loin? Nous avons aussi une panoplie de communautés dédiées à des sujets spécifiques
Tools and resources to help schools and daycares promote local and organic food @ecolesenracinées
Tips and tricks to help you repair all sorts of things @touskisrepare
A citizen mobilization initiative to put environmental issues at the heart of Quebec’s election campaigns @vireauvert
All the information you need on electric cars in one place @roulons_electrique
Acommunity of mothers and grandmother taking action for the future of their kids and grandkids @MeresAuFront
- A citizen mobilization initiative to put environmental issues at the heart of federal election campaigns @oneearthonevote
a member
Équiterre’s community of members is made up of donors, staff members, and honourary members. All members have the right to vote at our annual general assembly.
It only takes a $5 contribution to become a donor member.
The largest portion of Équiterre’s financing comes from donor members who make monthly donations. Every donation helps us to develop solutions to face the greatest challenge of our time.