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The most recent Laure Waridel Bursary was awarded in the spring of 2017 to Marianne Falardeau-Côté, a McGill PhD student in Renewable Resources. She is studying the Arctic marine ecosystem and ecosystem services in the Canadian Arctic in the climate change context. The bursary allows her to carry out numerous researches, scientific communication and animation activities in northern and southern Canada.
Check out her latest blog post, "Laure Waridel Bursary Winner Marianne Falardeau-Côté Brings the Arctic to the Classroom", where she details kids' and teens' interests in better understanding the fascinating world of the Canadian Arctic and sustainable development in the Canadian North.
>>> >> Check out Marianne's blog post here.
2017-2018 Edition of the Laure Waridel Bursary is launched!
Themes are Renewable Energies, Transport, Obsolescence, Food, Pesticides and Toxic Products
Awarded each year by Équiterre and the Caisse d’économie solidaire Desjardins, the Laure Waridel Bursary funds action-oriented and socially useful research (1) by awarding an amount of $ 10,000 to a the student-researcher (2).
Thank you for sharing the news in your networks in order to find the laureate who will make progress in environmental issues!
All the details and conditions of eligibility can be found on the Équiterre website. The deadline to apply is Monday, January 8, 2018 at midnight.
(1) To be eligible, all candidates must be enrolled in the Master's or PhD program at a Quebec university, or have graduated in 2017 and be currently working on the dissemination of their research.
(2) Check out the winners from the last 10 years for examples of action-oriented researches.