Candidates for the 2025 Board of Directors
Only Équiterre members in good standing will be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held at the end of April.
As a not-for-profit organization, Équiterre is governed by an eleven-person Board of Directors, elected for a two-year term renewable four times (8 years in total) by Équiterre members at the AGM.
For this year's election, five of the eleven volunteer director positions will be up for election.
Please note that Équiterre Board meetings are held in French only.
To ensure a diversified expertise on its Board of Directors and support all facets of governance, we are looking for candidates with skills in any of the following areas:
Philanthropy/business network: With independent revenues ensuring a high degree of independence in its activities, the organization would benefit from expertise in fund-raising campaigns or a candidate with a good business network;
Government relations: Équiterre has ongoing relations with various levels of government (federal, provincial and municipal). A good understanding of how these institutions operate would be an asset to the Board;
IT: Équiterre is constantly optimizing the use of its internal digital tools. Expertise in information systems management, cybersecurity or digital innovation could help in this area;
Communications/marketing: Équiterre would benefit from expertise in brand management, communications strategies, awareness campaigns, social media and digital marketing.
In order to have a Board of Directors that best reflects civil society as a whole, Équiterre invites members from culturally diverse and aboriginal backgrounds to submit their candidacy. Members from all regions are encouraged to participate.
To support the implementation of Équiterre's strategic orientations, we are also looking for candidates with a particular interest or specific knowledge in one of the following areas: environmental and climate policies, energy transition, food and sustainable agriculture, circular economy, transportation and mobility.
One current member of the Board of Directors is standing for re-election:
- David Kaiser (Board membre since 2021)
The Board of Directors has set up a Nominating Committee made up of Board members who are not up for re-election. This committee will review nominations and make recommendations to ensure that the required expertise is met and that the Board is as representative as possible.
To be eligible to apply, you must:
- be a member in good standing of Équiterre;
- be 18 years of age or older;
- submit a photo and video (details on the form);
- complete the form before the deadline.
The opening date for applications to Équiterre's Board of Directors will be announced shortly.
Consult the 2024 election results