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30 years of environmental activism

To accelerate the transition to a more just and ecological world

Équiterre celebrates 30 years

In 1993, a group of young people came together to build a better world. A world where the food we eat is healthy and environmentally responsible, where we can get around via active and shared transportation, where we speak out and mobilize against destructive projects and mobilize in favour of societal projects that enhance and protect our communities, our planet and all species that live on it.

30 years later, a vast community of members, volunteers, employees, supporters and partners continues to push toward this common goal. We’re part of a powerful, growing and impactful movement, working in collaboration with a multitude of actors.

Équiterre 30 years later

Our vision

Équiterre is working to establish new principles for how we feed ourselves, how we get around and how we produce and consume, that are designed for our communities, respectful of our ecosystems, in line with social justice and of course, low in carbon.

Over 30 years of progress

Through research, support, education, mobilization and awareness building initiatives, Équiterre has been working for over 30 years to create favourable conditions in which systemic change is possible.


Beginning of Équiterre

Équiterre is founded by 6 youth: Steven Guilbeault, Patrick Henn, Elizabeth Hunter, François Meloche, Sidney Ribaux and Laure Waridel.


The start of our "Libre comme l’air" bike trips

Carbon neutral events that brought together hundreds of cyclists on different routes in Quebec to discover inspiring local initiatives in organic agriculture, sustainable mobility and regional environmental issues.


The beginning of our Family Farmers Network

Based on the principles of community supported agriculture (CSA), Équiterre developped the organic basket model in Quebec to encourage local and organic food.

Équiterre starts to work on fair trade

A vast awareness-building effort to encourage fair trade products in Quebec.


The start of our work to encourage local organic food among youth organizations

Montreal gets a bike share system


We begin our awareness work on the “Cocktail transport”

Creation of the Quebec pesticides management code


The Kyoto Protocol comes into effect


Équiterre begins working on pesticides


We begin our work promoting actions to reduce our environmental footprint : Changer le monde, un geste à la fois


Équiterre contributes to Défi Climat, to educate and mobilize on the fight against climate change


Quebec adopts North America’s most ambitious GHG reduction target


We begin our work helping hospitals and other institutions in sourcing local organic food for their food services

Équiterre starts working on environmentally responsible events and activities

Inauguration of the Maison du développement durable (MDD)

Our demonstration project on how to build sustainable buildings, in cooperation with a number of groups


Quebec unveils its strategy to position Quebec food in the institutional market

Quebec’s carbon market is established


We begin our work to promote electric transportation


Quebec issues a policy on transportation electrification

The Paris Agreement is signed


Canada adopts its first Canadian climate plan

Funding is secured for the Route Verte, to save Quebec’s network of bike paths


Quebec is the first province to adopt a zero emission vehicle (ZEV) standard

The Energy East oil pipeline project is abandoned

The government of Canada adopts a national clean fuel standard

Canada adopts a plan to implement a pan-Canadian framework buildings strategy


We begin working on stopping fossil fuel subsidies

We begin our mobilization efforts around elections

We begin working on product durability and repairability

Adoption of Quebec’s first policy on sustainable mobility

Start of the federal carbon pricing system


Équiterre starts working on soil health

We begin our work to raise awareness about “natural” gas

The government of Quebec announces the modernization of our deposit refund system


Canada and Quebec commit to net zero emissions targets by 2050

Quebec adopts a climate governance framework

The Teck Frontier oil sands mine project is abandoned

A new Natural Climate Solutions Fund is created for Canadian agriculture

A new Quebec strategy to steer public institutions toward local food supply chains is established

Quebec’s Plan for a Green Economy (PEV) is unveiled

Équiterre's decolonization initiative begins


Canada announces that the sale of new gas-powered vehicles will be banned as of 2035

Quebec pledges to end oil and gas exploration and development on its territory

The Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act is adopted

Vista coal mine expansion project is abandoned

GNL Quebec gas project is abandoned

The project to expand the Quebec City Port is abandoned

We begin raising awareness on the impact of light trucks' proliferation on our roads

We begin working on source reduction


Montreal adopts new rules that prohibit the delivery of marketing flyers to homes without explicit consent

Funding for Quebec agro-environmental programs

Canada adopts a new Emissions Reduction Plan for 2030

Canada commits to publishing a standard on zero emission vehicles (ZEV)

Quebec becomes the first state in the world to ban oil and gas development on its territory


Start of our awareness-raising work on climate disinformation and polarization

Launch of Alliance SaluTERRE for the protection of Quebec’s agricultural lands and activities

Quebec adopts the Act to protect consumers from planned obsolescence and to promote the durability, repairability and maintenance of goods


Launch of the Shop Smarter, Eat Better microsite, providing consumers with concrete solutions for healthy eating that won't break the bank or ruin the planet.

Our theory of change

A just and sustainable societal transformation can occur when three optimal conditions come together: the emergence of solutions on the ground; the adoption of sound public policies; and the development of a new social norm.

🌎 We have the power to keep moving things forward.

The pace of the transition is still too slow, but we’ve come a long way and we’ve made considerable progress in the past three decades. Quebecers are very aware and mobilized on environmental issues.

 We must be proud of how far we’ve come and we must push forward together! 

Colleen Thorpe

Executive Director

30th anniversary fundraising campaign


of Équiterre’s funding comes from individual donors

So much ground has been covered in 30 years.

With the support of the community, we’re creating awareness and changing social norms. Your donations have helped us to assemble a team of committed experts, actively engaged in setting the record straight, denouncing the socio-environmental inaction of our decision-makers, but also in collaboration, sharing knowledge, seeking new ways of doing things and inspiring change across the country.

Through dialogue and openness, and with a focus on vulnerable communities who are being affected the most by the bioclimatic crisis, we’re continuing with our important work to improve the world.

The larger our movement, the stronger and more powerful our influence. Thank you for standing with us.

Please contribute to the ecological transition with us