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We must say NO the the 3rd Link!

An unnecessary highway project that would have a devastating environmental impact.

Along with the No to the Third Link coalition, Équiterre welcomed Quebec's decision, in April 2023, to cancel the highway project between Quebec City and Lévis and supported its willingness to offer a sustainable mobility alternative.

By massively opposing the project, you will push the government to back down. Thank you for taking action and signing the petition so that the 3rd link project between Lévis and Quebec City doesn't see the day.

Science is pushing us to reduce our impact on the environment and the climate: it is inconceivable to continue to invest billions in public funds in highway development.

Don't forget why we had to say no to the 3rd link: the list of reasons to stand in solidarity against this project was long.

Our Study

The Legault government did not expect the environmental assessment process and the project's business case to be completed before 2025. Furthermore, the Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement (BAPE) will not be called upon until 2023. In the absence of an environmental impact analysis or simple environmental study, Équiterre, in collaboration with the Pôle intégré de recherche - Environnement, Santé et Société (PIRESS), developed the first climate test in August 2022 to assess the environmental compatibility of the 3rd Link project with the imperatives of ecological transition. The 3rd Link failed this climate test, which is intended as a decision-making tool in the context of the environmental and climate crisis.

(available in french)

  • pdf  - 5.85 mb Test climat sur le troisième lien - Rapport

    See document

"The analysis is clear: the 3rd Link does not pass the test as a driving element of the ecological transition. It should not go ahead if we wish to act as good managers and with coherence in the fight against the climate crisis".

Marc-André Viau

Director of Governmental Relations

Project team