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Running Electric

To lower automobile emissions

Running Electric is an educational campaign to promote electric vehicles. It is coordinated by Équiterre with support from the Government of Quebec.

The challenge 

Since 1990, the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from Quebec’s roadways have shot up by 66%, coinciding with a large increase in the number of cars on our roads.

To reverse this trend, we must prioritize efforts to reduce the number of cars on our roads and transition toward more sustainable (active, public and shared) modes of transportation. When driving a car is necessary, electric vehicles (EVs) are a tangible way to lower GHG emissions from the transportation sector and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.


Road transportation alone accounts for 35.6% of Quebec’s total GHG emissions


 It is essential that the transition to electric transportation be accompanied by a reduction in the number of automobiles on our roads and attractive, zero-emission public transit systems. 

Colleen Thorpe

Executive Director at Équiterre

Équiterre's work

Équiterre launched the Running Electric campaign in 2018 to help achieve the Quebec government’s objective of 1,600,000 electric vehicles on our roads by 2030. The campaign website, provides a wealth of information about electric vehicles.

Various stakeholders from the transportation electrification sector have participated in the campaign in order to implement a series of initiatives, such as test drive events, education and support for organizations.

Running Electric has been working to bust the myths surrounding electric cars in order to convince the public and organizations to opt for lower-carbon mobility.


  1. Educate the public and the organizations about electric vehicles;
  2. Propose tools to help assess consumer needs and to calculate potential savings from going electric;
  3. Encourage EV test drives.
  4. Mobilize the players in the electrification of transportation around common objectives.

Our impact

Since its was launched in 2018, Running Electric has reached millions of Quebecers through activities and events on the benefits of electric mobility.

600,000 unique visitors each year on

2,300,000 pages visited on

34,000 Running Electric newsletter subscribers

40,000 test drives

30,000 people reached directly via shows and major events

Project history


New Catalogs of Plug-in Vehicles

The launch of a new catalogue of specialised electric vehicles aimed at organisations wishing to electrify their vehicle fleets, and improvements to the catalogue of rechargable vehicles aimed at the general public, with the addition of filters and fact sheets for each vehicle.


New tools and webinaires aimed at organisations

Creation of new tools and webinars aimed at organisations to help them with their fleet electrification project, and continuation of field and online activities aimed at the general public.


Start of phase 2

Expansion of the campaign to other electric mobility solutions: heavy vehicles, electrically assisted bicycles, car sharing, freight transport, public transport.


A hybrid year

Virtual activities (webinars), media campaign and the return of public events (electric vehicle show).


Adapting to a new reality

Virtual restructuring of activities in light of the pandemic: webinars, booths, twinning and EV Week Quebec (online).


Campaign kickoff

Rollout of Running Electric website and brand image, advertising campaign, participation in events and inaugural edition of EV Week Quebec. 2018: Campaign launch. 


Launch of the campaign


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