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In November 2015, 450 participants met in Montreal to help put healthy, local, sustainable food on school menus across the country.
Throughout the year, many of us continued our projects in the field, likely drawing inspiration from the informative presentations shared last year. You can carry on the work of knowledge transfer and collaboration by registering today for one of the following free activities offered in French.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016, 1:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Centre for Sustainable Development (Clark Hall), 50 St. Catherine Street West, Montreal
- Mapping of School Food Initiatives on the Island of Montreal (in progress)—Initial Results
In collaboration with Équiterre and the Farm to Cafeteria Canada network, the Collectif de la table des écoliers and Breakfast Club of Canada are working to create an overview of activities that provide food to students and educate them about the benefits of healthy food (e.g., cooking workshops, teaching gardens, etc.). By identifying the programs and schools running the activities, it will be easier to coordinate them.
The Montreal map forms part of Farm to Cafeteria Canada’s national food map, which spotlights initiatives to put more healthy, local and sustainable food on the menu in schools and daycares across the country. The Montreal map also identifies actors and organizations working in these environments in an effort to increase synergies and collaboration.
Snapshot of the event
1:30 p.m. – Mapping of School Food Initiatives on the Island of Montreal, Collectif de la table des écoliers
2:00 p.m. – Inspiring synergies :
- Coordinating and Optimizing Resources, Breakfast Club of Canada and La Tablée des chefs
- Schools Get on Board, Système alimentaire montréalais–SAM (Montreal Food System) and Équiterre
- Teaching Young People About Farming, École-ô-champs
3:30 p.m. – Forum: Changing How We Work Together
4:00 p.m. – Networking cocktail party
To sign up, please complete this form (French only). Hurry, places are limited!
September 28, 2016, 12:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
If you can’t make it to the networking event, the content will be available as a webinar in French:
Mapping of School Food Initiatives on the Island of Montreal by the Collectif de la table des écoliers.
Inspiring synergies:
- Coordinating and Optimizing Resources, Breakfast Club of Canada and La Tablée des chefs
- Schools Get on Board, Système alimentaire montréalais–SAM (Montreal Food System) and Équiterre
- Teaching Young People About Farming, École-ô-champs
To sign up, please complete this form (French only).
For more information, please contact