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Key Recipes for Local and Environmentally Responsible Food Procurement in Quebec Institutions

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Key Recipes for Local and Environmentally Responsible Food Procurement in Quebec Institutions’ is a practical tool to both inspire and equip institutional and food service directors and managers, chefs, teachers, educators, stakeholders, partners, and all other institutional food actors to adopt sustainable and exemplary food procurement practices. The tool is made up of a series of eight fact sheets, one for each sector, developed by Équiterre, in collaboration with Aliments du Québec au menu and the Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ). With these fact sheets, institutional food actors have the tools to make the shift towards more environmentally responsible food procurement practices, while serving as a model for other institutions and for society as a whole.


The Key Recipes for Local and Environmentally Responsible Food Procurement in Quebec Institutions tool seeks to:

  • Collect and bring together a broad range of experiences, information and resources related to local and environmentally responsible food procurement in Quebec institutions;
  • Inspire, engage and mobilize Quebec institutions to take action with regards to local food procurement initiatives;
  • Offer detailed guidelines based on the experiences of Quebec institutions while presenting inspiring profiles of these pioneering institutions;
  • Provide Quebec institutions with the tools they need to increase their share of local and environmentally responsible food.

See the introductory fact sheet the Key Recipes for Local and Environmentally Responsible Food Procurement in Quebec Institutions (Web version or printable version) for more information on:

  • Demand-side actors in the institutional market (overview of the sector);
  • Types of institutional food services (glossary);
  • Main challenges for institutional food procurement;
  • How to use the fact sheets (presentation of the different sections);
  • Methodology used to design the fact sheets;
  • References.


The fact sheet for the childcare sector is a practical tool to help managers and those responsible for food services in daycare centres to transition to a more sustainable food system that prioritizes healthy, local and environmentally responsible food. The step-by-step guide is based on several best practices that have been implemented in childcare establishments (CPEs, daycares, home childcare providers, and drop-in daycare centres) in Quebec.


The fact sheet for the healthcare sector is a practical tool to guide and support institutional managers and food service managers in this sector in their efforts to transition to a more sustainable food system that prioritizes healthy, local and environmentally responsible food.


The fact sheet for the workplace sector is a practical tool to guide and support food service managers in organizations and companies in their efforts to transition to a more sustainable food system that prioritizes healthy, local and environmentally responsible food.


The fact sheet for universities isa practical tool to guide and support institutional managers and food service managers in this sector in their efforts to transition to a more sustainable food system that prioritizes healthy, local and environmentally responsible food.


The fact sheet for CEGEPs is a practical tool to guide and support institutional managers and food service managers in this sector in their efforts to transition to a more sustainable food system that prioritizes healthy, local and environmentally responsible food.

Fiche pratique pour le milieu universitaire

Les universités sont des lieux de savoir et d'innovation. Naturellement à l'avant-garde, l'université est un espace d'expérimentation des idées et pratiques qui formeront la société de demain. Au courant de la dernière décennie, plusieurs universités québécoises se sont dotées de politiques de développement durable. Plus souvent sous forme de grandes lignes, les principes établis ne dictent pas systématiquement les pratiques d'approvisionnement, mais viennent appuyer un certain virage en faveur de l'achat d'aliments locaux et écoresponsables.