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Chef David's organic daycare kitchen

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Actu - Même les tout-petits mangent des fruits et légumes locaux!

Every morning at 5:30 Chef David arrives for work at the CPE Le Petit Réseau, a daycare on the second floor of the Maison du développement durable in Montreal. His job is to feed 77 preschoolers, but also to help them discover local and organic fruits and vegetables.

CPE Le Petit Réseau has been a partner of the Du Coq à l'Âne farm since 2012. This farm is in Bury in the Eastern Townships. It belongs to Equiterre's community supported agriculture (CSA) network. 

About 5% of the produce Chef David uses comes from the farm, which delivers a basket of fresh fruits and vegetables every two weeks between July and February. The rest of the vegetables Chef David buys are organic.

Chef David's kitchen buys local organic food from a family farmer because:

  • it's good for the children's health (food grown without synthetic pesticides)
  • it's good for the environment
  • it supports the local economy

It also gives the children a chance to develop their taste buds by introducing them to such veggies as squash, rutabagas and sprouts.

Nice work, Chef David!