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Équiterre won the 2015 Les Vivats award in the Alimentation [food] category for its Benefit Cocktail in Montreal!
The Les Vivats awards, launched in 2012 by the Conseil québécois des événements écoresponsables [Quebec council for sustainable events], are intended to recognize sustainable practices in event planning in Quebec. Some 82 applications were submitted for the 5th contest, and more than 200 professionals in sustainable development and event planning enthusiastically gathered at the Cabaret du Lion d’Or in Montreal for the event on April 5.
Équiterre implemented innovative measures for the benefit event, setting new standards for sustainable event planning: the caterer collaborated closely with an Équiterre family farmer to provide a menu based entirely on local organic fruits and vegetables in season. By sourcing food locally and sustainably, food miles and related GHG emissions were reduced.
The 350 guests enjoyed a 93% local menu, including over 80% vegetarian bites. What's more, no red meat was used. Opting for a cocktail dinner rather than a sit-down meal meant there was no need for dinnerware, which directly reduced Équiterre's environmental footprint, especially with regards to overconsumption and food waste.
Congratulations to Ferme de la berceuse, caterer Vincent Lafleur and the Équiterre team for this great cooperation!
Click here to find out more about the 2016 Les Vivats awards.
Photo: Robin Fortin, Family farmer at Ferme de la berceuse, Lyne Royer, Équiterre's Benefit Events Coordinator, Caterer Vincent Lafleur, and Sylvie Mainville, Events and Activities Coordinator at the Centre CDP Capital (winner of the Les Vivats award in the Lieu [place] category where, coincidentally, Équiterre’s benefit cocktail in Montreal was held!)
Photo taken by: Lucie Bataille