The government of Quebec must #DoBetter
Government efforts to protect the environment are far from good enough. Quebec needs an adaptation plan.
The issues
☂️ What do we mean by adaptation?
Adaptation seeks to enable populations to live in an environment that is disrupted by the effects of climate change. While efforts to mitigate the impacts of climate change are essential, adaptation efforts have become vital.
Making better decisions to better manage climate challenges
Quebec needs an adaptation plan to better prepare our communities to cope with the impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss.
The government must make better decisions on energy and economic development, which recognize the limits of resource availability and consider environmental justice.
By making better decisions, the government can mitigate the impacts of climate change and better prepare Quebec to adapt.
For example by:
Halting the destruction of our natural environments
which filter water, reduce erosion and capture carbon.
Ceasing to destroy the living soils of our agricultural land
which allow us to work towards greater food autonomy.
Focusing on economic development that considers limits and impacts
Development that considers the limits of available resources and the impacts on the living world.
Rethinking mobility
So that the well-being of citizens is at the heart of decision-making.
Making human health and well-being central to all decisions.
And why do we need to do all this?
Among other reasons, because our communities are at risk, with many areas threatened by flooding, heat waves, or erosion.The opportunity
The Quebec government's fight against climate change is currently limited to efforts to reduce GHG emissions. It must go further.
In order to better manage the impacts of climate change and the loss of biodiversity, we need to go past this strictly “accounting” narrative around emissions reduction and focus more on adaptation.
We, the citizens of Quebec, must demand that the Quebec government change its perspective and focus more on the need to adapt to the effects of climate change and halt the decline of biodiversity. We must call on our government to better consider the impacts of its decisions on the Quebec territory and all that lives on it.
The government of Quebec must do #DoBetter.
We deserve a vision that goes beyond GHGs—a global vision and a collaborative approach that puts environmental issues at the heart of the government's work, free from partisanship.
Take action
Our campaign is now closed!
Thank you for your support in getting the message across. 2,782 participants asked the Quebec government to #DoBetter to protect the environment.