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Scaling down consumption

Does the abundance encouraged by our economic system truly bring happiness?

A project aimed at rallying Équiterre members and followers around the need to promote a healthier relationship with material consumption, focused more on moderation, circularity, well-being and happiness.

The challenge

In today’s consumer society, we sometimes confuse happiness with the accumulation of material possessions.

But unbridled consumption is not without consequences. It has a huge impact on our planet: greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), wasted resources, and excessive amounts of garbage. It also has a huge impact on workers, who often have poor working conditions and low pay. The impacts on our well-being are also not positive.

 We are constantly (if only subconsciously) comparing ourselves with others, to be the one who has the most, who travels the most … Just as we must reduce our emissions, we must also work to reduce our anxiety levels and focus on what truly brings us happiness. 

Colleen Thorpe


  1. Simplify the notions of moderation, circularity, sharing, deconsuming, etc.
  2. Identify alternatives to consumption and their benefits;

Découvrez la déconsommation

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Project Manager, Sustainable Food