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This October: Celebrate healthy, local food and earn the chance to win $1,500
Équiterre and Farm to School Quebec are proud to promote Farm to School Month, a Canada-wide event organized by Farm to Cafeteria Canada. Partners in the pre-school, school and campus communities (daycares, schools, after-school services, colleges, universities) are invited to join the Farm to School movement by sharing their activities promoting healthy eating and local and sustainable food.
Whether you decide to create a vegetable or herb garden, dig up some pumpkins or try out new recipes, let yourself be guided by this year’s theme, “Canada Digs In,” aimed at helping educate young people about where their food comes from and the joys of eating healthy.
Tell us about your projects and earn the chance to win one of three grants worth $1,500. The activities submitted will then be widely shared in order to inspire similar projects across the country.
How to participate
Sign up now by completing this registration form. For more information on the contest, visit the website.
Ideas for educational activities and resources on agricultural and local food to inspire you
Educational activities for the classroom focusing on farming and local, organic food :
- École-O-Champ Québec suggests a series of educational modules on farming, the environment and food.
- Équiterre and Fous de Nature have developed educational activities focusing on local, organic farming (in-class workshops and educational outings to visit farms in the network of family farmers) for primary schools in Montérégie.
- An educational kit on food was developed to provide children, their educators and teachers turnkey tools to help them make sustainable food choices.
Educational outings to the farm :
- Équiterre and Fous de Nature offer your school or daycare the possibility to come and visit a farm in the network of family farmers in Montérégie. Learn about local, organic farming thanks to the various activities offered!
- École-O-Champ Québec offers educational rallies on different farms to help you learn more about the challenges of growing apples and squash.